The ICT Suite, Music/Drama Room, Library and Food Technology Area provide additional indoor learning areas that develop and enrich delivery of the school’s broad curriculum.
Music, in particular, is a significant feature of Elson Junior School because we believe that music enriches children’s lives and develops their whole personality. Pupils all participate in whole class music lessons. For pupils that wish to learn other instruments, parents have the opportunity to pay for lessons with our peripatetic music teachers. We also help pupils to develop their acting and performance skills in a variety of performances and productions.
The ICT Suite has enough space and equipment for each pupil to access a computer. As well as the ICT Suite we have 30 laptops that can be used throughout the school to support pupils learning. We have also invested in a number of programmable robots and software to develop our pupils’ coding skills.
Children’s learning is greatly enhanced by regular use of our extensive outdoor facilities. The outdoor classroom, pond, conservation area and nature trail are used to extend children’s learning beyond the classroom and to develop the children’s understanding of the environment. We are proud to have been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag status for our work in this area.
The Adventure Playground, Outdoor Gym and Traversing Wall (with hand and footholds) provide opportunities for more adventurous play and developing problem solving skills. Playtimes and games lessons take place on our two fields and three playgrounds. Using School Sports funding allows our pupils to participate in a wide range of sports and also provides the opportunity for some pupils to take part in competitions with other local schools and county.
The information on our website is intended to give you a feel for what our school is like and what we can offer you and your child. We encourage you to come and visit us in order to give you a fuller picture.