Elson Junior School can offer a variety of support to you and your family to meet your individual needs.
Mrs Hull is happy to support you and can be easily contacted:
Mobile: 07572 483197
Or find her on the pathway at the beginning and end of the school day.
Facebook page for parents:
Keeping Together When We are apart – click on the link below
Look out for our Tea and Talk sessions every half-term. – Sadly these cannot run at the moment but they will be back as soon as restrictions allow.
Helpful resources:
If you need a paper copy of any of these resources please contact Mrs Hull.
2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone. Many families are continuing to suffer financial worries. There are organisations who can help. Please click on the link here for a list of all support services available for families in our community.
Support Services – December 2020
This is a lovely resource written by local children’s author Clare Shaw. She has donated it to us to support our families and children.
In the sad event that your family suffers a bereavement this pack contains some resources and information that may be helpful.
Elson Junior School Bereavement Pack
Mrs Hull has made this journal for children to complete over the lockdown period.
Mrs White has put together some lockdown PE ideas.
Here are some great ideas for using the outdoors as a wonderful place to learn.