Since December 2020 all of the information for Remote Learning is available on the green Remote Learning tab on the website.
November 23rd to 27th 2020
Remote Learning
Please click on the links to view the remote learning for Year 3. There is one page for each day on the main powerpoints and you will find links to follow too. You can use the timetable from last week if you would like to help structure your day (just scroll down this page a little to find it.) If you have any questions about the learning then please contact the Year 3 team through the email.
November 13th 2020
Remote Learning
Year 3 email link
Click on the links to access the learning.
How to wash a Woolly Mammoth book
My Class Are Self-Isolating Workbook
Autumn 2 2020 Homework
Thursday 5th November 2020
This half term, our topic is The Stone Age. This letter details your child’s homework for the half term. Homework books should be handed in on
1. Your child will bring home a colour band book. Each week, they should read their colour band book or a book of their choice at least five times. This should be recorded in their homework books. Colour band book can be changed whenever needed.
Please ensure colour band books are in school every day so they can read it in school.
2. Your child will bring home their spellings for the half term with each week’s words clearly labelled. Different ways to practise will be underneath the spelling words however, these are only suggestions so please practise in the best way for your child. Each week, your child should practise their spellings for that week.
3. Finally, below is a list of topic homework. It is recommended that at least
3 of these are completed by the end of the half term.
In addition to earning team points for completing homework, the children can receive their bronze homework award for completing all of their homework set throughout the term. Please see the home-learning policy on the website or ask one of the team for further information.
Thank you for your support,
Year 3 Teachers
Click here to download the Autumn 2 homework grid and Woolly Mammoth instructions and example picture.
8th October 2020
Click here for the Year 3 homework grid for the autumn 1 term. If you have any questions, please contact the year 3 team.
Monday 20th July 2020
Dear Parents
The Home Learning resources are different for the last 3 days of this final week of term. In the ‘This weeks work’ folder under Monday you will find a bank of ideas for Writing, Reading and Maths which you can pick from to complete with your child. There is a range of tasks to suit all abilities. There is no expectation that all the tasks will be completed – choose one each day. If you haven’t had a look at the ELSA activities for transition, these would be worthwhile too. We hope you have also had a chance to look at the online resources for Online Safety and Health & Hygiene. If not here are the website addresses again: and Finally, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on the email
Stay safe
Year 3 Team
Monday 6th July 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for your continued support with Home Learning. Mrs Ryan has been thrilled to be able to send out so many cerificates for excellent learning over the past few weeks. Keep sending your work to so that she can send out many more!
This week in the ‘This weeks work’ folder, scroll down to find a letter from Mrs Hull about tranistion and a booklet of activities for your child to complete. There is also a new Overview document for weeks 6 and 7. We hope you have also had a chance to look at the online resources for Online Safety and Health & Hygiene. If not here are the website addresses again: and
If you have any questions we are happy to help – ether email us as above or come on the LIVECHAT through the ‘Need help?’ tab on this website. There is always a teacher monitoring this for chats in the mornings!
Stay Safe.
Year 3 Team
Monday 22nd June 2020
Dear Parents
As we move into Week 4 of this half term we hope you are all well. You will find some new documents in the ‘This Weeks Work’ folder for this week. The daily lessons are in the folder for each day as before but if you scroll down you will find a curriculum overview for the next couple of weeks, some ELSA activiites and some new Topic activities. We hope these are helpful.
Children in school will also be having lessons about Online Safety and Health & Hygiene. To look at the Online Safety resources go to where you will find Home Activity Packs in the Parents section or Games and other online activities in the Child section. For the Health & Hygience resources go to where you will find Home Learning Packs in the Teachers Junior section and lots of games and activities in the Students Junior section. Have fun exploring these resources.
Please continue to send your child’s work to us at and remember there is always a teacher on the livechat if you have any questions.
Stay safe.
Year 3 Team
Monday 1st June 2020
Dear Year 3, parents and carers,
Welcome back! We hope you have had a restful half term break and had lots of fun in the sun.
As we are sure you are aware, things will be a little different in school from now on and there have also been a few minor changes to our home learning offer:
- There is an updated suggested weekly timetable in the ‘This Week’s Work’ folder.
- Spelling activites are now part of the daily literacy sessions.
- For this week (week beginning 1.6.20), we will be focussing on well-being in school and your home learning topic activites are based around this. We think that it’s really important that we all look after our well-being as we settle into new routines.
- Science will be a choice of activities from the ‘Science Grid’ based on the topic ‘Animals Including Humans,’ which we already learnt about after Christmas.
As always we are available on our email: and we would love to hear all about what you have been up to.
We really hope we will be able to see you all soon.
Best wishes,
Year 3 Team
Please click here to view the home learning
Friday 22nd May 2020
Dear Year 3, parents and carers,
We hope you are all well and have been enjoying this lovely weather! It has certainly been very warm!
We also hope you have been enjoying the learning over the last few weeks. We have certainly enjoyed seeing some of the work that you have been doing!
It is now half term and we know it probably feels a bit different to other half terms but we want you to have a happy and restful week and so we won’t be setting any home learning for next week! If you want some lovely, creative ideas over the week, you will always find some on the Home School Link Worker’s page, which you will find on the yellow tab called ‘Our School’ but we want you to enjoy time together in the sunshine which looks set to last!
The live chat is also going to have a little rest next week too but you can email the year group email address if you want to share anything you have been doing.
If it is more urgent, please go through the office email which is –
We wish you a happy half term!
Best Wishes!
Year 3 Teachers
Hello Year 3,
We hope you are well and ejoying the Stone Age topic. We only have two weeks left until it is time for a new topic! As we are halfway through the half term, we have created some more topic activities for you to do if you wish as we thought you might like some new inspiration! We have really loved seeing some of the home learning that has been sent into us, so please do send us any work to show off what you have achieved.
As we are being sent work through, we are noticing that some children are not accessing the correct work for the curriculum they are working in. For example, some children who should be accessing the Year 3 learning are accessing the Year 1 learning. We would like to make it clear again that your child should only be accessing the Year 1 learning if they are working within that curriculum. This would have been mentioned to you at parents evening so please only complete this work if your child fits into that category. The last thing we want is for the learning you complete at home to have limited impact when completed.
As always, if you have any queries or concern, please email us at
Stay safe,
Year 3 Teachers
Hello Parents/Carers,
We hope that you are familiar with the way in which the learning takes place now and that you are comfortable with the routine you have set at home. We know that some of you may be behind on the learning set, which is absolutely fine but we know some of you will want to keep on top of the work. As you are aware by now, we upload the new week’s work under each daily folder under ‘This Week’s Work.’ If you are behind, you will find the previous week’s learning under ‘Home Learning Archive,’ where it is all dated so you can easily catch up with what you have missed.
We hope this makes it clear for you so you can keep up with the work if you wish.
Stay safe,
Year 3 teachers
Hello Year 3,
We hope you are enjoying your home learning so far this half term. We have added a stay active challenge for you to do if you wish. It is for the duration of May and each day has a different exercise for you to complete. We thought as the weather has been a bit rubbish this week, you might be finding it harder to stay active so this could help you.
Don’t forget there are some PE ideas under ‘This Week’s Work’ as well. Have fun!
Year 3 teachers
Hello Year 3,
We hope you are enjoying your Stone Age topic. It seems like you are enjoying reading Stone Age Boy. Thank you for sending your questions in for Stone Age Boy to answer. He’s been busy answering them.
Follow this link to see what he said:
Year 3 Team
Please click here to view the home learning.
Hello Year 3 children and parents/carers,
Welcome back! We hope you are all well and you had a safe and enjoyable Easter break. This half term, we are going to be learning all about the Stone Age. We are really excited to share the learning we have got planned for you which you can find by following the link below and then clicking on ‘This Week’s Work’. There are also some Stone Age related topic activities under the list of daily folders. Below, you can see our curriculum overview for this half term.
We are sure that you have worked out a routine that works for your family and we would like to reassure you that there is no pressure for you to ‘home school’ your child. Remember, maths can be cooking, science can be planting seeds or searching for mini beasts, English can be writing a letter to a relative you can’t see at the moment. The important thing is you enjoy your child’s company and have fun with them. The last thing we want is for you or your child to be feeling pressure.
We have loved hearing from you over the last few weeks. Please feel free to contact us at: Whether you just want to say ‘Hi’, share your learning or let us know what you’ve been up to we would love to hear from you. Don’t forget we are also using the Live Chat feature of the website. A member of staff from Year 3 will be available to talk to every weekday during term time between 12-1pm. Just click the ‘Need Help?’ button on the left of the page.
Thank you for your support. Stay safe,
Year 3 Team
We have started the half term very postively and are very engaged with our learning. In Literacy, we have enjoyed reading ‘The Tin Forest’ and using both forest settings to write a Trip Advisor review explaining which one we prefer and why. In Maths, we have been consolidating our addition and subtraction knoweldge and using this to solve two-step problem. We have been very impressed with the children’s knowledge and determination in Maths. To continue to improve the children’s mathematical skills, please ensure they are accessing Times Tables Rock Stars at home. This will really help them when they enter Year 4 and beyond. We have particularly enjoyed our Science learning so far. For our first lesson, we dissected floweres, which was incredibly fun and some of us discovered new parts of plants we had not seen before!
The children continue to make some wonderful progress in their learning. They have been setting themselves challenges in circuit training in PE and learning about skeletons and muscles in science. They have really enjoyed learning about other cultures through reading “Mama Panya’s Pancakes”. We have enjoyed seeing a variety of topic homework, interpreted in many fantastic ways. We also enjoyed playing the African drums they made in school and hearing the stories of pancake making at home.
The children have been so engaged with our Ancient Egypt topic and all of our learning has been linked around this. In Literacy, we have been writing a setting description of the River Nile from the book ‘The Scarab’s Secret’ – we are sharing our wirting with the current Year 2’s. We are also learning skills to be able to write a non-chronological report about Ancient Egypt. In Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division. We have been using concrete resources to help us, particularly with solving problems. We are really enjoying our sessions with the cricket specialist teacher and hope the children are too.
We are pleased with the progress Year 3 have made so far. We have enjoyed seeing a range of topic homework interpreted in many fantastic ways. We are lucky to have a specialist sports coach teaching our outdoor PE for the next half term.
We have been so pleased how well the Year 3 children have settled into junior school. Our learning has been kick-started with a visit to the forest in Literacy, which we will be using to write a setting description of the forest from the book ‘The Tunnel’. We are inviting parents to read our writing once it is published. In Maths, we have been exploring place value for 2 and 3-digit numbers using concrete resources. We have been very impressed wiht how responsible the children have been with the equipment. As part of our maths lessons we have been practising our times tables with a focus on 2s, 5s and 10s. Please log onto Education City to secure your child’s knowledge even further.