Summer 1 term
The Year 5 children have settled back into school well after the Easter break and are enjoying their new topics. With a busy term ahead planned, we wanted to clarify a few things for you.
PE and Swimming
The children have shown great enthusiasm for their swimming lessons and have conducted themselves brilliantly throughout these sessions. Each class will have swimming 2 weeks out of 3. The dates of these can be found on the swimming letter sent by Mrs White. The children will be given a reminder when it is their day to swim.
As our swimming lessons form part of our PE curriculum, if it is not your child’s week to swim, they will still have a PE lesson that day. Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on that Thursday. Our other PE day for all classes is now Wednesday.
Wednesday = All classes PE kit
Thursday = Either swimming kit or PE kit (week depending).
The children are now being set regular homework again. Each week the children will be set spelling homework, an English task and a Maths task (just like the Autumn term). We also highly encourage children to practise their times tables via Times Table Rock Stars. We are setting the homework on Education City this term and it will follow the usual pattern of consolidating the skills they have learnt in school that week. Using this platform enables us to set homework that is bespoke to the children’s needs and will enable them to revise specific skills at home. Homework will be given on Fridays and due the following Thursday.
There is a new folder in Google Classroom that has the instructions for the week as well as this week’s spelling list. All the children have a copy of their spellings in their homework books too. Whilst we hope there will not be another national lockdown at any point, there is still the possibility of bubble isolations and individual pupil isolations. Therefore, it is important that the children are practising logging on and accessing these platforms regularly.
All children have been given their login details again. These will be in their homework book. If they have lost these or do not have their logins, please email us on the Year 5 email and we will get these to you as quickly as possible.
Summer Term
We have uploaded our curriculum overview onto the website for this half term where you can see what your child will be studying. In English we are following the theme of mystery and suspense. In maths we have been focusing on fractions. Our topics include the Vikings, internet safety and mountain. We are extremely lucky to have the Hampshire Music Service in this term to teach the children Samba Drumming. These lessons take place on a Friday morning with a specialist music teacher.
Here is the updated curriculum map for Summer 1
Thank you for all your support as always. We are looking forward to working with you over this last term in Year 5.
Best wishes,
The year 5 team