In line with DfE regulations, our work in school promotes the ‘fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
We value:
Aspiration – we believe in the power of education to broaden our learners’ horizons and raise expectations. Our curriculum provides opportunities and experiences for learners that recognise future prospects. Personal accomplishment is valued and we celebrate achievements, the process of learning and personal responsibility in the process. Every learner is able to identify their short and long-term goals and can articulate the steps needed to reach them. Adults in school model determination and personal effort to reach challenging goals, and children are supported to do so too. When our children leave our school, they will have an economic awareness and the skills, knowledge and understanding to plot a safe and hopeful map to the future.
Compassion – EJS is a compassionate school. Every learner will be kind, caring and respectful to themselves and others. Children are taught to understand difference and respond respectfully. The curriculum in our school allows children to work collaboratively. Through the challlenge of our curriculum, and allowing learners to challenge ideas, they are enabled to value their own ideas and those of others in a respectfuly way.
Adaptability – our learners are prepared for a rapidly changing world. Every learner is able to respond and cope in challenging situations. When children leave us, they will have the skills that prepare them for future employemnt and will be emotionally capable. The curriculum and professional development opportunities will provide situations and experiences that challenge learners and empower them to feel more confident with change.
Integrity – All learners at EJS show that they strive to act in ways that demonstrate the qualities associated with integrigy, honesty, decency and fairness thorugh respecting the school values. We aspire for everyone to show pride in being a member of our school community and to be able to express their views in a polite and respectful manner, accepting that there may be differences in opinions at time. All members of our community will independently demonstrate personal responsibility in caring for others, themselves and the environment (both in school and in the wider sense of the world around us). The curriculum will have protected time for PSHE and P4C to facilitate discussions about moral and ethical choices. When children leave us they will be empowered to make well-reasoned life choices.
Creativity – We believe in allowing children to explore subjects and areas of interest in different ways. We celebrate creativity and the role that it has in enabling all learners to overcome challenges and solve problems. Every child will be able to safely take risks to explore different solutions to problems in their learning. Our curriculum has rich opportunities for problem solving and to support the development of creativity, adults will design opportunities for children to challenge themselves with our curriculum. Learners will use their existing knowledge to generate many ideas in response to a problem. When children leave us, they will feel confident about struggling to overcome difficult situations and improve their knowledge and understanding.
Elson Junior School Promoting British Values |
Prevent Guidance for Parents |