Student Leadership Team

March 2025

What is the Student Leadership Team?

The Student Leadership Team is a team of 7 individuals. Each individual represents a role. These roles are: Creativity, Compassion, Adaptability, Aspiration, Integrity, Head boy and Head girl. As Student Leadership Team we show all of these values.

We follow the school values, help other children and adults. We meet each week to discuss ideas about our school. We are kind towards others and ourselves. We are all proud to be students at Elson Junior School.

What is our role?

Our role is to show all the school values and follow the rules to set examples for younger pupils. Our job is to make the school a better place. We encourage other students to be the best they can be and we hope that everyone sees us as people they can talk to and trust.

We help staff do jobs, run stands at events, support with Open Evening’s, support with the rewards system count and put out chairs for assemblies to name a few.

What have we achieved?

Firstly, we all are very proud of our applications to become part of the student leadership team and the way we presented ourselves throughout the interview process. This was a great achievement for all of us.

We, as Student Leadership Team, have worked hard so far this academic year.  For example, we have made posters advertising the school open events, did fundraising to support our end of year treats, supported our younger students with transition and have been active in making all children feel happy at Elson.

We have made over £600 for after SATs fun whilst fundraising – we are very proud of this achievement!

Why am I proud to be a Student Leader?

“I am proud to be a Student Leader because I get to help the school out with things they need and overall make it a better place.”

“We have been able to help out the school. We have been able to make it feel safe, welcoming and kind.”

“I am proud as we have all earnt this spot. This has been a brilliant opportunity for me so far. We are good role models and I think we are all proud to be in that environment of others looking up to you.”

“I am proud to be a leader because I like to help out with the school and it’s a good opportunity.”

“I am proud to be a Student Leader because I get to help out the school and make it a better place.”

“I am proud to be a leader because we together can make Elson greater. “

“I am proud to be a student leader because I get to help the school with jobs and make it a better place.”

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