Year 4

Year 4 Remote Learning

Week commencing Monday 29th March 2021

Hello Year 4! Please find below the remote learning activities for this week. As always, please get in touch with us via the usual channels if you have any questions or need anything. Have a wonderful Easter break. We can’t wait to see you after Easter.





Colour By Calculation

Year 4 Remote Learning

1st – 5th March

Hello Year 4! Congratulations! You have made it to (hopefully) the last week of remote learning.  Below is this weeks learning. As always, please get in touch with us via the usual channels if you have any questions or need anything. We can’t wait to see you all next week! 🙂


Hero page border for English


Maths support




Topic – The eightfold path

Topic – The eightfold path 2

PE Challenges

Music (click on the link below for this week’s music lesson)

Year 4 Writing WOW Wall

Boudicca Poems

Thank you to all those children who emailed in their Boudicca Poems on the Thursday before half term. Your teachers are really enjoying seeing the learning that you’re completing at home. It is lovely to see how you are all doing and reading your writing is always a pleasure. 

Click on the link below to see who in your year group has their name in lights this week!

Year 4 Writing WOW Wall

A special congratulations to Lily in Base 5 who has been chosen as the Writer of the Week! You can hear Mrs Brook sharing her poem with you all in the link below.

Well done Year 4. Keep working hard. Not long until we can all be back together in our classrooms 🙂 

Year 4 Remote Learning

 22th February – 26th February

Welcome back Year 4! We hope that you have had a wonderful half term break. Thank you to everyone for sending in their Boudicca Poetry before half term. Your teachers have really enjoyed reading them and our new WOW wall will be published this week!

This term our theme is ‘Springwatch’ so you will notice that most activities you complete are linked to our topic. We hope you enjoy all the new learning that your teachers have put together for you. The links for this weeks learning are below. 

As always, if you have any questions, please email us on the normal email address, individual teacher emails or call the school office. Have a lovely week and take care. Best wishes from the Year 4 team 🙂 


English Kennings PowerPoint



Maths Support


Reading Lost Words Activity Pack


Topic Springwatch Diary

Topic The Buddha Storyboard

Topic The Buddha

Music – Click on the link below for this week’s Music lesson

Click on the link below for the music activity

Week 5 Music Tasks


Tuesday 9th February 2021 – The Launch of the Year 4 Writing WOW Wall!

Thank you to all those children that sent their Boudicca speeches into the Year 4 email. Your teachers really enjoyed reading them all and capturing a little snapshot into how well your learning at home is going. This week, you teachers have picked three children to appear on the WOW wall. These children have really impressed their teachers this week. Click the link below to see if this week your name has appeared in lights!

Year 4 Writing WOW Wall

Your teachers have also picked one children’s piece of work to be read aloud to the rest of Year 4. Our chosen piece this week is written by…Ruby in Base 6. Congratulations Ruby! Click on the link below to hear Mrs Brook reading Ruby’s Boudicca speech.

Well done Year 4. Keep up the hard work 🙂 

Year 4 Remote Learning

 8th February – 12th February

Hello everyone! I hope you have a lovely weekend! Well done – we have nearly completed a whole half term of home learning! Congratulations. You have survived and thrived! Thank you to everyone for sending in your Boudicca speeches on Friday! We will be giving you some feedback and sharing others with you this week. We will also be putting some on our WOW wall so look out for this! Here are the links for this weeks learning. Remember, this week is a four day week as Friday is an INSET day. We hope that you all have a lovely half term when it comes! As always, if you have any questions, please email us on the normal email address, individual teacher emails or call the school office. Have a lovely week and take care. Best wishes from the Year 4 team 🙂 


English support



Maths support


PE Challenges

Music (click on the link below for the video) – Music activity

1st February – 5th February

Hello everyone! It’s Monday again! Well done on completing another week of home learning last week! Below is the learning for this week. Please get in touch if you need anything via the normal channels of communication ( or via your teachers email addresses.) Don’t forget, you can also ring us if you need to speak to someone. As always, we have loved to see the work you have completed so please keep sending us photos in when you can. Take care and have a lovely week 🙂 Best wishes, Year 4 


English support

Boudicca speech WAGOLL


Maths support



We are all different (for Topic) 

Top Trumps card template (for Topic)

Science (see topic powerpoint)

Romad Gods and Goddesses powerpoint (for Topic)

Music – click on the link below

Music lesson task

Storytime with Miss Lawrence 3 🙂

25th January – 29th January

Hello everyone! We hope you have had a lovely weekend! Here is the work for this week. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like any help with anything! We have also uploaded some tasks onto Education city if you fancy doing some activities on there. Thank you to everyone who continues to send work in. We love seeing what you have been doing! Please send directly to your teacher’s email addresses or to the Year 4 email address ( Take care and we look forward to hearing from you soon! 🙂 

English – We have trialled a couple of teacher videos this week. These are a work in progress but we hope that they are helpful!

English support

Boundicca Fact file for English lesson 1


Maths support



Roman chariot board game

PE Challenges

Music lesson part one

Music lesson part two

Music task pages

Storytime 2 with Miss Lawrence 🙂

18th January – 22nd January

Hello! We hope everything is going well. Here you will find the learning for this week. We’ve included a music link which will be a weekly lesson! We’ve also included English and Maths support learning, where you will find more accessible learning if you are struggling a little bit! Thank you to everyone who has emailed in the work they have completed. We have loved seeing what you have been getting up to! (


English Support

Cuda of the Celts Chapter 4

Cuda of the Celts Chapter 5


Maths Support



Boudicca Information (History)


🙂 Storytime with Miss Lawrence! (:


11th January – 15th January

Hello everyone! Here we are, a week in. We hope everything has been running as smooth as possible and things are starting to settle. Here is the learning for this week. Again if you have any questions or need any support please pop an email over to the Year 4 group email ( We hope you enjoy looking at Roman Numerals and finding more out about Cuda! All the best, Year 4.



Maths Support



Resources you will need:

Cuda of the Celts Chapter 2

Cuda of the Celts Chapter 3

Maths – Can I Read and Write Times

History – Why Did the Romans Invade Britain

5th January – 8th January

 Happy New Year everyone! We hope you have had a restful break. Please click on the links to view the remote learning for Year 4.  There are one or two pages for each day on the main powerpoints and you will find links to follow too.  If you have any questions about the learning then please contact the Year 4 team through the email.





Cuda of the Celts Chapter 1

Cuda of the Celts Chapter 2

 Here is a timetable that you could use to help structure your learning day. This isn’t compulsory to follow, but may support you in organising what lessons to complete. We try to follow this structure in school, so the children will be used to the layout. We hope this is helpful for you!

p.s Wednesday’s reading would be ‘independent reading’ for the children.






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